Red route restrictions
Single red lines mean no stopping during the hours shown on the signs (quite often Mon –Sat 7am – 7 pm) although the exact times will change so you will need to check the adjoining signs.
Double red lines mean no stopping at any time
No stopping means that literally not even to drop someone off (unless you are a licensed taxi or a bus). We have heard that transport for London (TFL) allow 10 seconds before a penalty charge notice is issued but don’t bank on it.
Licensed taxis dropping off or collecting a fare can stop for as long as necessary and we believe that there is a concession if you are dropping off a disabled person but you will have to write in. We also understand that there is a concession for taxi’s waiting outside a cash point for a fare to collect money at certain times.
Along red routes there will however be loading and parking bays. These should be signed as shown below.
Below we show diagrams of the signs and bay markings which must be in situ by law and much more information that will help you decide whether to appeal against your penalty charge notice. Our red route section is very comprehensive indeed.
We have even summarised adjudicator’s decisions where motorists have won in our members section below.

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