Contravention Code 99
Stopped on a pedestrian crossing and/or area marked by zigzags. Contravention Code 99
You must not stop on a pedestrian crossing or in the white zigzag areas (except while allowing pedestrians to cross).
How to have your penalty charge notice (PCN) for this parking contravention cancelled.
We may be able to assist you in having your penalty charge notice for this contravention cancelled.
Follow our 3 stage process:
1 Check: Specific grounds for appeal for this contravention (below on this page)
This may also include diagrams and pictures showing signage requirements etc.
2 Check: General grounds for appeal
Applies to most contraventions.
3 Check: Summarised parking adjudicators decisions
Includes details of example cases won.
Specific grounds of appeal for this contravention
1. You must not stop on or within the zigzag lines near a pedestrian or Toucan crossing. We believe that zigzag lines are placed there for a reason and that stopping on a zigzag line obstructs the view of the crossing by motorists and is therefore dangerous.
2. This offence was previously enforced by the police and carried endorsements. Now local authorities can also enforce this contravention by issuing a penalty charge notice – they cannot however endorse your license. The police can still enforce this offence and issue you with penalty points.
3. The zigzag lines can be different lengths but the width of the lines must be 10cm and there must be a short line marking the far end of each zigzag line and this must be 20cm wide. Check the diagrams below for the exact criteria which the markings must meet .If the markings are incorrect then they may not be enforceable. Please see information and diagrams below.
Below we show diagrams of the signs which must be in situ by law and much more information that will help you decide whether to appeal against your penalty charge notice.

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