Parking statutory grounds for appeal
The grounds upon which you may make representations are:
That the alleged contravention did not occur – this is the most frequent ground and includes, incorrect signage and lineage, incorrectly completed Penalty Charge Notice, if you were not illegally parked, if the vehicle was exempt from the regulations, if you were loading where permitted, where the vehicle was correctly displaying a permit or pay and display ticket etc.
you were not the owner of the vehicle at the relevant time – for example you had sold it.
the vehicle was parked by someone in control of it without the owner’s consent – for example it was stolen.
the vehicle is owned by a hire firm who have supplied the name and address of the hirer;
the penalty exceeded the amount applicable in the circumstances of the case – it may be that you are asked to pay the higher fine for a contravention which carries the lower penalty.
there has been a procedural impropriety on the part of the Enforcement Authority – for example the penalty charge notice was not served within 28 days.

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