Contravention Code 25
Parked in a loading bay during restricted hours without loading. Loading bays are for loading and unloading only – Contravention Code 25
How to have your penalty charge notice (PCN) for this parking contravention cancelled.
We may be able to assist you in having your penalty charge notice for this contravention cancelled.
Follow our 3 stage process:
1 Check: Specific grounds for appeal for this contravention (below on this page)
This may also include diagrams and pictures showing signage requirements etc.
2 Check: General grounds for appeal
Applies to most contraventions.
3 Check: Summarised parking adjudicators decisions
Includes details of example cases won.
Specific grounds of appeal for this contravention
1. Loading should be a continuous action and the loading should not take more than the maximum time shown on the sign. Different local authorities have different observation times and some such as Barnet in London have no observation time and their attendants will ticket you immediately if no loading activity is taking place. Of course it is possible to be loading and unloading and not be in the vicinity of your vehicle. For example you may need to lock your vehicle for security reasons whilst loading or unloading because you may need to take items to the back of a shop and not want to risk having your stock pinched! You may then return to your vehicle to find that you have been issued with a parking ticket. However you should appeal providing details of a delivery note or indeed a receipt for the purchase of a large item, to substantiate the fact that you were loading/unloading. Many adjudicators decisions have been in the motorists favour and adjudicators have held on many occasions that loading includes unloading and getting a receipt signed and that a vehicle may have to be locked in the meantime.
Below we show diagrams of the signs and bay markings which must be in situ by law and much more information that will help you decide whether to appeal against your penalty charge notice.

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