Contravention Code 21
Parked in a suspended bay/ space or part of a bay/ space. A suspension is marked by a yellow triangular sign in the immediate vicinity of the sign – Contravention Code 21
The actual signs used for parking suspensions are usually designed by the council that is enforcing. This is because the Department of Transport do not have standard approved signs that can be used lawfully. So local councils must obtain approval for their own suspension signs from the Department of Transport before they can legally enforce.
An investigation in 2013 found that in London 16 councils including the infamous Westminster City Council did not have approval. This was despite an adjudicator’s decision in January 2010 where in the case of Camden vs Suzanne Campbell the adjudicator found against the council saying
Adjudicator Edward Houghton ruled:
In the absence of a compliant sign the vehicle was not in contravention and the appeal must be allowed.
No doubt the council will give consideration to obtaining the secretary of state’s authorisation.
Please see case reference 2090523567 in the suspended bay section of the parking adjudicator’s section.
If you have received a penalty charge notice for parking in a suspended bay then ask the council or the Department for Transport try for a copy of the authorisation and the diagram.
How to have your penalty charge notice (PCN) for this parking contravention cancelled.
We may be able to assist you in having your penalty charge notice for this contravention cancelled.
Follow our 3 stage process:
1 Check: Specific grounds for appeal for this contravention (below on this page)
This may also include diagrams and pictures showing signage requirements etc.
2 Check: General grounds for appeal
Applies to most contraventions.
3 Check: Summarised parking adjudicators decisions
Includes details of example cases won.
Specific grounds of appeal for this contravention
1. A suspension is usually marked by a yellow triangular sign, which gives details including the dates/ time/ and area suspended. Local authorities must give as much notice as possible that a bay is to be suspended. Usually at least 7 days and quite often 14 days. However they can suspend the bays quicker in the case of an emergency. If you are going on holiday it is always a good idea to leave your car keys with a neighbour in case the bay where you have parked becomes suspended. If you return from holiday to find your car with a PCN or removed, then the local authority should demonstrate why they did not provide more notice. If little notice was given then your PCN may be cancelled and any tow away costs refunded. Sometimes local authorities will simply move your car to a neighbouring street without penalty.
Below we show diagrams of the signs and lines which must be in situ by law and much more information that will help you decide whether to appeal against your penalty charge notice.

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