Contravention Code 07
Parked with payment made to extend the stay beyond the initial time (Meter Feeding) – Contravention Code 07
In some areas you must insert the full amount for your period of stay when you park. You cannot insert a few coins and later insert more money even if the total time is within the maximum stay allowed.
How to have your penalty charge notice (PCN) for this parking contravention cancelled.
We may be able to assist you in having your penalty charge notice for this contravention cancelled.
Follow our 3 stage process:
1 Check: Specific grounds for appeal for this contravention (below on this page)
This may also include diagrams and pictures showing signage requirements etc.
2 Check: General grounds for appeal
Applies to most contraventions.
3 Check: Summarised parking adjudicators decisions
Includes details of example cases won.
Specific grounds of appeal for this contravention
1. Meter Feeding is permitted in some local authorities. For example Westminster City Council removed the offence of Meter feeding in 2005 whereas neighbouring councils such as Camden and Kensington and Chelsea do not allow you to feed the meter. (This would also include extending the paid for time in a pay by phone bay) Also where meter feeding is allowed do not forget that the total number of coins which you insert must not exceed the maximum time allowed on the meter. So if for example the maximum time is 4 hours you cannot pay for 3 hours and then subsequently insert another 2 hours worth. You must move your car to a different row of metres or pay and display bays before the maximum allowed time has expired. (This would also include extending the paid for time in a pay by phone bay) We think that more local authorities should remove the offence of meter feeding as after all if you are permitted to stay in a pay and display bay for a maximum of 2 hours then why shouldn’t you be allowed to insert a few minutes worth and then go to a shop to get change and then insert more coins. So long as you move your car before 2 hours has expired.
Below we show more information that will help you decide whether to appeal against your penalty charge notice.

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