Notice to owner (pcn issued at the scene)
If a penalty charge for an alleged parking contravention is not paid within 28 days from the date of the notice, the local authority may issue a notice to owner (NTO) to the person appearing to them to be the owner of the vehicle.
Sometimes a motorist will receive an NTO even though they didn’t receive a Penalty Charge Notice (NTO) in the first place. Sometimes a parking attendant may not place the PCN on your windscreen or hand it to you. You may then receive an NTO. You should write to the local authority immediately and tell them that you did not receive the PCN and ask them to withdraw the NTO. Many local authorities take photographs of a PCN on a windscreen. This is not to be confused with the new rules that allow a local authority to serve a PCN by post if the Civil enforcement officer has began it issue it but you drove off or stopped him from issuing it .
The NTO will be served by post.
Your next steps:
The person to whom an NTO has been issued has 28 days, beginning with the date of service of that notice, to either:
• pay the penalty charge at the full rate
make formal representations to the local authority explaining why they think they should not have to pay the penalty.

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