How to have your moving traffic PCN cancelled
General advice if you have received a penalty charge notice (PCN) for a moving traffic contravention
This section deals with general advice on your options if you have received a Penalty charge notice for a moving traffic contravention such as a yellow box, or failing to comply with a sign (e.g. no right turn) and how to have your PCN cancelled.
Of course there are also different grounds of appeal that you can use for specific contraventions so it is very important that you check these as well as the section below. At the bottom of each page there is a search facility. You can either type in the 2 digit contravention code from your penalty charge notice or select the description from the drop down list or select the description from the list on the left. You will then see diagrams of signs that should be in place and the many specific ways that you can have your PCN cancelled. We have even summarised loads of adjudicator’s decisions so you can see on what grounds motorists have won!
Below you will see a lot of general tips and advice that may well result in your penalty charge notice being cancelled. The information is comprehensive but very easy to follow and much is based on successful appeals to the adjudicator.

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