Contravention Code 52
Failing to comply with a sign indicating a prohibition on certain types of vehicles – Contravention Code 52
Local authorities are now enforcing this contravention using CCTV enforcement. Quite often however the signs are not sufficiently clear.
52g) goods vehicles exceeding max gross weight indicated
52m) motor vehicles
52s) solo motorcycles
52v) all vehicles except non-mechanically propelled ones being pushed
52x) motor vehicles except solo motorcycles
Sample signs:
52g) Goods vehicles exceeding the gross weight indicated on the goods vehicle symbol prohibited.
52s) Solo motorcycles prohibited.
52m) No Motor Vehicles
52v) No Vehicles
52x) Motor vehicles except solo motorcycles prohibited.
How to have your penalty charge notice (PCN) for this parking contravention cancelled.
We may be able to assist you in having your penalty charge notice for this contravention cancelled.
Follow our 3 stage process:
1 Check: Specific grounds for appeal for this contravention (below on this page)
2 Check: What a Penalty Charge Notice must contain
3 Check: Statutory grounds for appeal for Moving Traffic Contraventions
Specific grounds of appeal for this contravention
Was the PCN sufficiently clear as to the contravention. In one case the PCN stated failing to comply with a sign indicating a prohibition on certain types of vehicle, however the signage at the location stated motor vehicles prohibited. The adjudicator said the PCN should have referred to “motor vehicles” rather than “certain types of vehicle”. Certain types of vehicles is too general. The contraventions have various suffixes. The correct suffix must be used and the contravention stated must be the exact one that relates to the stated contravention code.
In July 2012 an adjudicator found against Camden council on the basis that the signage was inadequately clear at the notorious Grafton Road Junction where the council had issued over £5m of penalty charge notices. If you have received a PCN at this location see the adjudicators decisions.
There are 11 more ways that you can have your penalty charge notice cancelled for this offence. We have even summarised adjudicator’s decisions where motorists have won.

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