Contravention Code 33
Using a route restricted to certain vehicles. Contravention Code 33
We have a dedicated website for Bus lanes which is very comprehensive.
These contraventions relate to using routes restricted to certain vehicles like cycles. The restrictions are shown on signs with white diagrams on blue backgrounds. See example signs below. There are various suffixes (the letter after the 2 digit contravention code)
33b) buses only
33c) buses and cycles only
33e) buses, cycles and taxis only
33f) buses and taxis only
33g) local buses only
33h) local buses and cycles only
33i) local buses, cycles and taxis only
33k) local buses and taxis only
33s) tramcars and buses only
33q) tramcars and local buses only
Sample signs:
33c) Route for use by buses and pedal cycles only:
33s) Route for use by tramcars only.
How to have your penalty charge notice (PCN) for this parking contravention cancelled.
We may be able to assist you in having your penalty charge notice for this contravention cancelled.
Follow our 3 stage process:
1 Check: Specific grounds for appeal for this contravention (below on this page)
2 Check: What a Penalty Charge Notice must contain
3 Check: Statutory grounds for appeal for Moving Traffic Contraventions
Specific grounds of appeal for this contravention
You will notice that there are many suffixes to this contravention. They are all shown above. You should check that the correct suffix is shown on your penalty charge notice.
There are 8 more ways that you can have your penalty charge notice cancelled for this offence. We have even summarised adjudicator’s decisions where motorists have won.

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Now take a look at the adjudicators decisions for this contravention.