Adjudicators decisions on congestion charging
Example adjudicators decisions on congestion charging
Please Note: Just because an adjudicator has ruled one way in a particular case doesn’t mean that he will do so again. Also there are many adjudicators. Each case is dealt with on its own merits.
Case 9050029890 – Resident within charging zone – In this case a resident within the zone purchased a resident’s monthly congestion charge.
It commenced on 26th November and ended on 23rd December. However on the 14th December the resident wanted to check the expiry date so she telephoned the congestion charge operator. She was advised that she was “covered until 4th January” This was due to the fact that the congestion charge doesn’t apply between Christmas and the new year. She entered the zone on the 24th December and received a penalty charge notice. Transport for London rejected her appeal so she went to the adjudicator. No records of the conversation existed but the adjudicator said it was highly probably that the conversation took place and that the driver was told that she was covered until 4th January. He also observed that on the 4th January, as advised by the operator, the driver did purchase a ticket for a month.
The case was allowed.
Sometimes the staff at the congestion charging centre get it wrong. If you telephoned and were told that you were ok to drive in and then you received a penalty charge notice then you should appeal.

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